Mobile Developer at Deloitte, Milano

The second project I worked on in Deloitte was the iOS and Android cross-platform app in Ionic (Angular) for a European energy provider.
I liked it because it was the first time I worked with Ionic and the first time I made something for iOS (except for a very little experiment with React Native a few years ago) so it was quite challenging and stimulating.
One of the features I worked on is the realization of the whole notifications section, so the layout of the page, the integration of the notifications API with the implementation of the get function to get the whole list of the user's notifications from backend and the put to mark a notification as read, unread or delete it, I ordered the notifications in the list for prioririty and date and I made the tooltip component with the action buttons.
The second feature I worked on is the news section, in particular I made the Article Detail Page, with the sharing component and the progress bar informing the user about the percentage of the article's reading, auto-filling itself with the scrolling of the page.
An other feature I worked on is the app login via fingerprint and face recognition.
Then I worked at the Architecture Review of the whole app and re-made a lot of pages of the app completely modifying and refactoring both the logics and the graphical layout of the pages I worked on.
Other big features I worked on for this app are called Subscription, Engagement, Engagement for Prospects, Easier Registration, Self Renew, Smart Invoice, My Circles, Christmas Contest, Amazon Cashback, Member Get Member, PreCheck KO, Process Tracking SDD, Engagement 2.0, Crosseling, Solutions, Energy Checkup, Meter Reading and Consumption Improvements, Bonus Section, Further Selfcare Actions, Offer Details, OTP, My Circles 2.0, New Payments Methods, Power and Voltage Variation, Overall Tracking of Requests, Green Community, Energy Wallet, Design Policy Alignment, UX/UI 3.0, Contract Termination, Account Deletion and New Prospect Flow, adding new features, making new pages from scratch and sharing data with the backend integrating RESTful API (post, put and get).
For this project I used Visual Studio Code, Git, GitLab, Fork, Jira, Zeplin and Confluence.
The work was organized in Agile Scrum methodology with 2 weeks sprints and I participated in daily standup meetings and weekly product backlog refiniments, sprint reviews, sprint plannings, sprint retrospectives, user stories effort estimations, high level projects effort estimations etc.
So I did not only developed, but there was also a big part of daily direct contact with the client, support and analysis, and also code review of my teammates' work, bug fixing, code refactoring and release of the app's updates on both Google Play and Apple App Store.
Modified Git Flow used for this project here. Complete one here.
Jira tasks flow here.

May 2020 - December 2022